The National has reported today that both, Emirates Airlines and Etihad Airways, have reinforced UAE’s partnership with the US. This is being achieved through more flights non-stop flights to Washington DC by both airlines. While increasing flights directly translates to increasing in-flight crew requirements, what catches the eye is the choice of Strata Manufacturing ( a subsidiary of Mubadala Aerospace) as Boeing’s first Middle East supplier of aerostructures for its 787 Dreamliner plane till 2020.
The shot in the arm comes from this news for us job seekers out there, “Strata is projected to expand capacity and create up to 10,000 jobs by 2030.” For those of you in the field of aircraft engineering, keep your eyes and ears open as this is expected to raise vacancies for a good many years to come. Don’t forget to brush up your skills and knowledge too.
» Etihad and Emirates to reinforce UAE partnership with US | The National