Knowledge of Safety Standards in Dubai Oil and Gas Means Better Employability for HR Professionals

OPITO has recently established new safety training and compliance standards that are designed to reduce the numbers of fatalities and injuries of workers in the oil and gas sector. Similar to the American OSHA standards, these requirements must be met to avoid costly fines. Oil and gas companies will be responsible for implementing training to ensure these new standards are upheld. Needless to say, the majority of this will fall to companies’ Human Resource Departments to facilitate.

Every year 1.2 million people around the globe are killed in vehicle related accidents. While a normal accident is a tragedy, when a vehicle hauling oil and other flammable materials is involved the results can be devastating. In an effort to help ensure motorist safety, the OPITO has stepped in and tightened the training requirements for all drivers involved in the gas and oil sector.

While it may seem that this training would take place behind the wheel, the OPITO has cited that attitude and behavior of drivers is the main cause behind the majority of accidents. The training that is to be delivered to drivers will need to encompass both on the road driving techniques as well as classroom based attitude and behavior modification classes.

Human Resource departments are typically the professionals responsible for any type of behavior training and enforcement, so it is safe to assume that many new opportunities for HR professionals that specialize in designing and implementing training processes will be on the horizon. If you have an HR background and have been considering a move to Dubai, now is the time to get your resume in front of recruiters that work in the gas an oil sector.

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