UAE to link with Iranian electricity grid

The opportunities for engineering positions in Dubai and the UAE have always been promising, and it is forward thinking projects such as the proposal to link the electricity power grids of Iran and the UAE that lead to such opportunities.

Many projects are ongoing at all times in the region, where growth is a constant, and yet this one highlights just why such expertise is required.

Iran already has links to its electrical grid with a number of neighbouring countries and the intention to join up with the UAE is one that opens many new options. Iran’s Energy Minister, Majid Namjou, told the Mehr news agency why the program is important:

“Iran exchanges electricity with most of its neighbours and many of them are interested in increasing their electricity exchange with Iran.”

As the 19th biggest producer of electricity in the world Iran is well placed to export its output, and the UAE – currently in the processes of increasing its own power producing plants – is in need of partners in the area.

With foreign investment helping to speed up the construction of the three major new power plants in Iran, including over $700m from the UAE itself and almost half a million dollars from Germany, there is much scope for production of electricity in the region to be centred in Iran.

As such projects increase in size and scope so the prospect of jobs for overseas engineers does too, and that is just one reason why Dubai has become a popular place for engineering posts for expats.

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