Marketing Manager Position in Dubai

Job Description:

This is a middle management position, usually reporting to a VP for Sales & Marketing. This position requires management of human resources, market conditions and a whole range of planned strategies and activities. The role’s main focus is to increase the company’s share in the overall consumer market by ensuring continued product usage, consumer brand loyalty and an overall positive product image.


• Experience – In this position, experience is much more valued than education. At least a three-year experience in the marketing/advertising industry is often required, as a strong understanding of the dynamics in the industry is necessary for this role.

• Education – At least a Bachelor’s degree in business, management, communication, marketing, advertising or any related field. Some companies may require additional credit units in specific courses or a Master’s degree.

• Technical Skills. Marketing managers are required to have experience, or at least be familiar with enterprise software applications and basic MS Office Suite.

Salary Range:

AED 8,000-30,000 depending on organization size.

Employers’ Description:

Small and large companies, both in the manufacturing and services sectors employ marketing managers to move their products from production to distribution. Marketing is a key aspect of any business that support sales and work directly toward raising revenues. In the Dubai job market, marketing managers are common in real estate firms, property development firms, manufacturing companies, construction and engineering firms, etc.

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