6 Cool Apps For Dubai Job-seekers

Google’s annual mobile planet smart-phone study has found that the United Arab Emirates has some of the highest levels of smart-phone usage in the world, with 62% of mobile phone users in the country reporting that they own smart-phones. Compare this to the US where just 35% of people own a smart-phone or Egypt where just 39% of users own smart-phones. What Google also found was that smart-phone users in affluent Middle Eastern Countries were also the most likely to go on-line multiple times a day, and they also download more apps than users from other emerging smart-phone markets like China and Brazil.

It seems that the Dubai based professional is an avid smart-phone user and uses it in all areas of their life. And now they can make use of it for job-seeking as a range of job-seeking apps are emerging on the market that can enable busy Dubai based job-seekers to search and apply for jobs on the go using their smart-phone.

Below, we have outlined 10 very useful job search apps that Dubai job-seekers may be interested in.

1. Bayt.com job search app; this is one of the most powerful job search apps for the region and allows you to search for jobs in Dubai or the Middle East region directly from your smart-phone. It also includes job alerts so you can be notified of relevant opportunities.

2. Business Card Reader; we are always recommending that our readers attend conferences events to network and find job opportunities. This is a great tool to help you network at conferences as it will quickly scan an individual’s business card and automatically enter the information into your contacts. This is a very efficient way to build contacts in a face to face networking environment.

3. Linked-In App; We know that Linked-In is one of the most powerful networking, job search and career progression tools on the market. This apps allows you to access Linked-In connections and profiles which is a great tool to use at a networking event. You can search for over 150,000,000 global professionals.

4. Pocket Resume App; This is one of the top selling apps of its kind which allows you to create, maintain and email your resume from your smart-phone. The resume is outputted in PDF format so it is of very good quality. This is a great job app for the busy Dubai based job-seeker.

5. Monster.com Interviews by Monster Worldwide This is a very powerful app which allows you you to practice 100s of job interview questions on your smart-phone. It has pre-interview research tools and advice as well as tips, resources and warm-ups for the day of interview, and also has tips and advice on how to behave Post-Interview in relating to closing the deal, follow up and writing notes.

6. IPQ CareerPlanner. This is more of a career planning app rather than an immediate job search tool but is still useful as its provide a personality assessment, following which it outlines your key strengths that will help you get a job. It will also tell you which jobs you are most and least likely to enjoy and it will give you personalized development advice to improve your success rate during an interview or assessment situation.

About the author

Kazim Ladimeji is the Director of thecareercafe.co.uk—a resource for start-ups, small business and job seekers. It includes a blog with career and small business advice articles. Kazim is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, and has been a practising HR professional for 14 years.

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