Look smart and you might get the job, says Dubai Employer poll

Does it really matter how you dress for an interview? According to a recent poll conducted by Middle East job site Bayt.com, it might matter more than you think.

Results from the survey suggest looking good might help you climb the career ladder.

More than 75% of employers and employees think looking the part will have a major impact on the success of a job interview, with 76.4 per cent of poll respondents believing employers make a decision based on a candidate’s physical appearance.

According to more than a quarter of those polled (27.5 per cent), good personal grooming and style shows an interest in the position on offer.

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About the author

Kazim Ladimeji is the Director of thecareercafe.co.uk—a resource for start-ups, small business and job seekers. It includes a blog with career and small business advice articles. Kazim is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, and has been a practising HR professional for 14 years.

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