How to Become a Personal Assistant in Dubai

Personal Assistants are in high demand throughout Dubai. For many people that are looking for career opportunities in this area, the idea of becoming a personal assistant may seem like a great choice. It is important to understand that the reason why these positions tend to pay 10,000 to 25,000 AED a month is because the job duties are much different than the title implies.

In the United States, a personal assistant is little more than a secretary or housekeeper. In Dubai, a personal assistant is a highly skilled and educated business partner. If you are considering this line of work in Dubai there are a few key elements of your resume that should be looked at carefully before you apply for advertised positions.

Educational requirements for most of the higher paying Personal Assistants in Dubai require a business degree. Human resources, business management, and business administration are all good choices if you are considering a career in this sector. In lieu of a bachelor’s or master’s level degree; three to five years experience in one of these positions may be an acceptable substitution. Preference typically goes to Personal Assistants that can speak both English and Arabic fluently. While still in the United States it would be wise to seek at the minimum a basic understanding of the Arabic language before applying for positions in Dubai.

While few people in the United States would think of attending college and learning a second language just to be a Personal Assistant, this title is much more respected in Dubai than in the U.S., and the pay is easily comparable to most management positions in the United States.

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